
Coconut and blackberry jam cake

Helloooo :) I want to share with you this recipe for a fast cake with ingredients you can easily find. I craved for something sweet and pull this together. So here we go:


  • 5 eggs 
  • 100 gr flour 
  • 100 gr coconut 
  • one jar of blackberry jam - 250-300gr 
  • 50 gr brown sugar 
  • baking powder
  • lemon juice 

Time : 20 min to prepare + 40 min in the oven 

You start by dividing the egg parts and in a bowl you mix the white parts with sugar till you get a texture that wont' leak out of the bowl. In another bowl you add the yolks, along with flour, coconut and baking powder, previously dissolved in the lemon juice. 

See? it's very easy. Ah, almost forgot to remind about the oven that needs to be pre-heated at 180 degrees C. 

Then you mix everything and lay it in the tray, on a baking paper. Depending on the oven you have, it might take 35-40 min to bake it. When it's done, it looks like this: 

Now it is the moment when you lay a pretty thick layer of blackberry jam on top of the cake and then you put it back in the oven for another 5-10 min. The result looks like this: 

You can cut into pieces when it gets colder, after 30 min or so. I took it to work the next day,  and I can tell you that my colleagues found it delicious :) So bon-appetit :) 

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