Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts


Delicious Cream cake - no baking

 A new recipe for a delicious cake suitable for a special day! 

and what is the best part no baking! :) 


3 eggs 

cream (for cakes) 

1 cup milk 

1 can of pineapple 

lady fingers 100 gr 

Prep time: around 30 min, but it is better to leave the cake in the fridge over night 

For the cream part: mix the eggs with milk and boil them over very slow fire (baine marie). you can add some flavours: vanilla, orange, etc. Careful not to make an omelette in this way stir all the time. 

When the cream gets some sour cream consistency, it is done. Leave it aside to let it cool. 

Beat up the cream separately according to the instructions. 

Once the egg/milk cream is colder, mix it up with the cream. 

In a baking tray, place a layer of foil, then lay over the pineapple pieces. Pour the cream in tray. but keep about 6-7 spoons of this mix, you will need it for the next day. 

In the juice from the pineapple, place the lad fingers cookies, one by one for couple of seconds. then place them on the top of the cream in the tray. 

Cover everything with foil and place the tray in the fridge over night. 

Next day, you need to flip this entire thingie. so the fruits are up . something like this: 

Next it is only a matter of covering the cake with the cream saved from the previous day. 
You can decorate with more fruits and it's done. Voila! 


Autumn joy: Plum cake

Hello :) 

Autumn is just an amazing season, with the richness of goodies we can find and  the mild days to bask in the sun. 

So for those quiet moments when you just crave for something sweet here is a quick and easy recipe for plum cake: 


5-6 plums 

5 eggs

100 gr (1 cup) of flour 

10 spoons sugar 

vanilla sugar or essence 

4 spoons oil (sunflower) 

1 tablespoon of baking powder 

Baking time: 25-30min; Prep time: 15 min

Wash and cut the plums into small piece and then cover them with 2-3 spoons of sugar. 

Eggs are whisked with the rest of sugar until they triple the volume. Then you can slowly add the flour and incorporate it into the eggs mix. Now it is the time to add the oil and the baking powder too. 

On the tray for baking, lay a thing layer of oil and then flour. Add a first row of fruits and then the batter. Add the rest of fruits and the rest of batter and it's ready to go into the oven.

The oven needs to be preheated at 200 degrees C. 

I baked it for 25-30 min at 200 degrees C and then just checked it with a toothpick.  

The result is amazing: a soft and extremely flavoured cake, the nice aroma filled the whole house. 



Sour cherries cake

Hellooo :)
What could be more unplanned than to receive sour cherries in a tram ride? Yesss, that's how I ended up with about 2 kilos of sour cherries, from a very kind grandpa :P

So who said work is over after work? For me not.

I had to bake this cake with these gorgeous sour cherries.
So here is what you need:

- 400 gr sour cherries, seedless
- 150 gr sugar
- 250 gr flour
- 5 eggs
- vanilla sugar, rum essence, cinnamon
- 75 gr butter
- baking powder

Well, the process is known - separate the yolks from the whites, add the sugar, and blend them well, till they are foam.
the yolks with the rest of sugar, essence, baking powder, butter, flour- mix them
Then the 2 bowls, mix them together, gently.

This time, I am going to show you how I prepare the tray, with no baking paper - you need a bit of butter, which you use to grease the tray, then you add flour and try to make it cover all the corners too :) 

The tray with the cherries in the preheated oven: 

 And that's the final result, the cut result, since I didn't have patience anymore to wait for it to cool down:

The taste was delicious, judging by the great feedback I got from my colleagues at work. 
Try it for yourselves ;) 


Kiwi cake

Helloo! It's time for something sweet and easy to bake, especially during weekend. 
I bought some kiwi recently and since they were taking awhile to get ripen, I decided to bake something with them. 
So here is the cake I made with them, and also a vanilla pudding. 

- 1/2 pack of butter - 100gr
- 200 gr flour
- 100 gr brown sugar
- lemon essence
- baking powder
- 8 medium size kiwi 
- 4 eggs

For pudding - yes I cheated: I bought an already pack but to make it better, you can add some butter, brown sugar, and of course milk - 0.5l. 

As usual, separate the egg whites from yolks and mix well in 2 bowls. Also I peeled and cut the kiwi into smaller pieces. 

For the dough part, mix everything and carefully add the egg whites at the end. place the baking paper in the tray and pour the dough easily, adding the fruits. 

I pre-heated the oven at 150 °C and the cake was baked at 200 °C during 1h.
And the result looked like this: 

Or like this, when I finally took it out: 

I couldn't help it and ate a piece immediately :) 

Bon Appétit! 


Banana bread

Helloooo :)

Don't you have days when you crave for something sweet but easy to bake, and perhaps healthy? I do. And recently I was wondering how to make banana bread and I found out - the result is delicious :)
So here it is the recipe I used:


  • 2 cups flour 
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla essence
  • 100 gr butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 bananas 
  • baking powder 
  • baking paper

estimated time: baking 1 hour + 20 min preparation

Start by preheating the oven at 180 degrees. 
Then separate the egg yolks from the white parts and mix the white parts very very well, with just a pinch of salt. 

In another bowl, mix the yolks with sugar, vanilla sugar. the flour, butter and baking powder. The baking powder needs to be mixed with some lemon juice before. 
You can peel the bananas and blend them or just use a fork for this purpose. 

Then you can add the bananas in the bowl with flour and at the end add the white parts and mix gently. 
Now it's the moment to pour the entire mix in a tray which you covered with baking paper before. 

Put it in the oven at 180 degrees C and leave it there, without opening the door for one hour.
After one hour, you can check if it's ready - the wooden stick test - and if it'sok, still leave it in oven for 10-15 min to get colder.

You can serve it like this or next to vanilla ice- cream. It makes a perfect cake for coffee or tea.
Bon-appetit :) 


Coconut and blackberry jam cake

Helloooo :) I want to share with you this recipe for a fast cake with ingredients you can easily find. I craved for something sweet and pull this together. So here we go:


  • 5 eggs 
  • 100 gr flour 
  • 100 gr coconut 
  • one jar of blackberry jam - 250-300gr 
  • 50 gr brown sugar 
  • baking powder
  • lemon juice 

Time : 20 min to prepare + 40 min in the oven 

You start by dividing the egg parts and in a bowl you mix the white parts with sugar till you get a texture that wont' leak out of the bowl. In another bowl you add the yolks, along with flour, coconut and baking powder, previously dissolved in the lemon juice. 

See? it's very easy. Ah, almost forgot to remind about the oven that needs to be pre-heated at 180 degrees C. 

Then you mix everything and lay it in the tray, on a baking paper. Depending on the oven you have, it might take 35-40 min to bake it. When it's done, it looks like this: 

Now it is the moment when you lay a pretty thick layer of blackberry jam on top of the cake and then you put it back in the oven for another 5-10 min. The result looks like this: 

You can cut into pieces when it gets colder, after 30 min or so. I took it to work the next day,  and I can tell you that my colleagues found it delicious :) So bon-appetit :) 


Cherry & chocolate cake

Hello, my dear ones! These days we all have to accept that winter is coming and is getting colder and darker. But the sunny part of the whole story lays in our own ideas of making our days better and warmer and what better option could be than to spend an afternoon with friends in the comfort of your house. And since the picture wouldn't be complete without something delicious to eat, here is a new recipe for a cake with chocolate and cherries :) If you like this mix, then probably you are intrigued to read further.
The list of the ingredient we need for this cake:

5 eggs
50 gr of chocolate - grated
100 gr flour
4 spoons sugar
2 spoons of butter
for cream: one Dr. Oetker pudding
cherry jam
one can or jar of cherries

The secret of the cake is to prepare the dough one day before you actually want to serve it. So it goes like this: first you separate the yolk from the white parts and you mix them well till they become a foam. In another bowl, you mix the yolks, flours, butter, chocolate and sugar.

At the end you put everything together, you prepare the tray, meaning you put inside the baking paper, and you put the tray in the over preheated at 170 C.

It should be done in 20-25 minutes, you open the door from the oven gradually, wait for about 5-10 minutes till you can open it completely.
Mine looked like this when it was baked:

When the tray is cold, you could be able to take out the cake and place it in a dry spot, covered by a clean kitchen towel till next day :)
So the work is continued during the next day, as it follows: first you need to gather together all your skills to cut that cake into 2 halves - I know for me it was tricky, but I managed something:

During the next phase I prepared the pudding since I used to cover the whole cake. Here it's nothing difficult, you just need to follow instructions written on package. 

In order not to have a dry cake, you use the juice from the cherry can on whole cake - no worries, it will absorb a lot of liquid and it will have a better taste in the end. Then it's  just a matter of taste how much cherry jam or cherries you put inside, I made it something like this:

Then I covered it all in pudding and at the very end I decorated with a few cherries & choco :) And it's dooone! But you should leave it in the fridge for 2-3 hours. Then you can serve it with a hot tea or maybe, even better, with a cherry liqueur :))) And of course with your friends. Enjoy it :)

Until next time, kiss, kisses :-*


Cake for moody days

Hello sweethearts :)
Long time since I posted here ... It has been such a busy period of time: master thesis to write/defend, job and besides a social life to take care about it.
Since the autumn started to squeeze in city and in our lives, I felt like I should indulge more my craving for sweets. Yes, yes, the diet can take a break now. So I came out with this recipe for cake, well, I don't know how much is mine or not. So let's see it :) Ah, and I can assure you it will be delicious because of chocolate and M&M's.

The ingredients you need:
200 grams flour (2 cups)
4 eggs
100 grams chocolate for cooking
50 grams coconut flakes
50 grams M&M's or more :)
50 grams raisins
1/2 cup of sugar
2-3 table spoons butter
2 table spoons cocoa
almond essence/ vanilla sugar
peel from one orange
baking paper
baking powder

First, you start by separating the yolks from the whites in bowl and then you mix well the white parts, till then become a foam. You can also add the sugar while mixing them.Like in the next picture:

You can cut the chocolate into small pieces, size and shape is not that important since it will melt inside.
Then in the other bowl, you mix the yolks with the rest of the sugar, the coconut flakes, the butter, 2-3 drops of essence, vanilla sugar and butter. You can add also the peel of orange and baking powder, but only after you mix it with a bit of lemon juice. Then you can add the flour and mix everything well. Next, you can mix with the white parts, slowly to obtain some sort of a paste. You separate like 1/3 of this mix and add the cacao.

It is the moment to prepare the tray: lay the baking paper inside and set the oven at 180 C degrees to allow it to get hot. Then you can start placing the cake in the tray, in the following manner: one layer of "white" mix, one layer of "brown" mix, the cacao one. Between them you add chocolate, raisins and M&M's. Be careful not to overload the cake with too much chocolate or M&M's since it is likely not to raise anymore. 
When you finish arranging the layers into tray, you can place it in the oven. In my over it was done in appx. 45 minutes, but depends. Don't check the cake in the first 15-20 minutes and don't open the door of the oven. 
When you want to check it, you can use the "stick" method - if the stick gets out clean, it means the cake is done. 
The final version should look like this or even better: 

Hope you enjoy the post and let me know if you try it :) I bet the M&M's will make a good impression among your friends and will bring biiig smiles :)

Kiss, kisses