
Cake for moody days

Hello sweethearts :)
Long time since I posted here ... It has been such a busy period of time: master thesis to write/defend, job and besides a social life to take care about it.
Since the autumn started to squeeze in city and in our lives, I felt like I should indulge more my craving for sweets. Yes, yes, the diet can take a break now. So I came out with this recipe for cake, well, I don't know how much is mine or not. So let's see it :) Ah, and I can assure you it will be delicious because of chocolate and M&M's.

The ingredients you need:
200 grams flour (2 cups)
4 eggs
100 grams chocolate for cooking
50 grams coconut flakes
50 grams M&M's or more :)
50 grams raisins
1/2 cup of sugar
2-3 table spoons butter
2 table spoons cocoa
almond essence/ vanilla sugar
peel from one orange
baking paper
baking powder

First, you start by separating the yolks from the whites in bowl and then you mix well the white parts, till then become a foam. You can also add the sugar while mixing them.Like in the next picture:

You can cut the chocolate into small pieces, size and shape is not that important since it will melt inside.
Then in the other bowl, you mix the yolks with the rest of the sugar, the coconut flakes, the butter, 2-3 drops of essence, vanilla sugar and butter. You can add also the peel of orange and baking powder, but only after you mix it with a bit of lemon juice. Then you can add the flour and mix everything well. Next, you can mix with the white parts, slowly to obtain some sort of a paste. You separate like 1/3 of this mix and add the cacao.

It is the moment to prepare the tray: lay the baking paper inside and set the oven at 180 C degrees to allow it to get hot. Then you can start placing the cake in the tray, in the following manner: one layer of "white" mix, one layer of "brown" mix, the cacao one. Between them you add chocolate, raisins and M&M's. Be careful not to overload the cake with too much chocolate or M&M's since it is likely not to raise anymore. 
When you finish arranging the layers into tray, you can place it in the oven. In my over it was done in appx. 45 minutes, but depends. Don't check the cake in the first 15-20 minutes and don't open the door of the oven. 
When you want to check it, you can use the "stick" method - if the stick gets out clean, it means the cake is done. 
The final version should look like this or even better: 

Hope you enjoy the post and let me know if you try it :) I bet the M&M's will make a good impression among your friends and will bring biiig smiles :)

Kiss, kisses 

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